Specialists in Self Funding
Consistent, Flexible Support
If you would like your personal care coordinator to work with you and your family or other representative on an ongoing basis then this is an option for you. The benefits are that your coordinator will get to know you and your needs, the care you receive and other professionals involved such as your GP etc. This really improves efficiency and communication when the coordinator needs to respond to any problems.
Social Service departments cannot offer this service and you would have a variety of workers over time who all ask the same questions each time. This is nobody’s fault, but it is a large organisation and just cannot guarantee such a personal service. Your care coordinator will also be easy to contact and you will not have to go on a waiting list.
The retainer includes all the services listed. For a fixed monthly fee, your care coordinator will, as a minimum, visit you once a week to review your well being and care services being received. That person will also be able to respond to any crisis such as ill health, falls, or hospital admission and can represent you. We also understand the requirement for the every day challenges that may occur including things like broken door locks, floods from washing machines or over grown gardens that need attention.
Family members not living close by find the retainer invaluable as it is one person who knows their relative well that they can turn to for help, support and guidance. Please remember our care coordinators are very experienced and carefully chosen. They are even available at weekends. This scheme can offer you and your family peace of mind; 7 days a week, 12 hours a day, access to your personal coordinator.
Our Care Coordinator daily retainer rate does vary, but would be agreed on at assessment. The maximum you would pay would be £15 per day. Please contact us if you have any questions.
If a client’s mental capacity to make a decision is in doubt, a formal assessment of that person’s ability to make the decision needs to take place.
Simon Jessop has been assessing capacity since 2005 for local authorities and privately.
Capacity assessments are completed within seven days.
At this time, 24 law firms access Simon’s services.
Simon can also certificate provide and witness wills.
Mental Capacity assessments are carried out UK wide both remotely and face to face.
Our costs are related to the specific assessment you require. Over all, for an assessment and report, the costs would range from £250 – £300.
Certificate providing for Lasting Power of Attorney would be £150.
Our private, self-employed, Companions offer one to one social support to those living in their own homes or care homes. Many people do not want the club or day centre option, instead preferring to do what they want to do from going to a show, to playing a board game, swimming, sailing, pottering in the garden, being taken to visit a friend, going through old photos, going for a Chinese meal etc.. These are examples of what the Companions are doing right now. You may just want someone to go shopping with, or for them to run some errands for you. The service is truly tailored to the person and their wishes.
Meanwhile if an unpaid carer is in place they get some quality time (respite) alone. The skilled Companion will sit with the customer.
Companions are very experienced ex-paid carers, have up to date DBS (the old CRB check), transport and relevant insurances.
Our customers self fund or gain financial support from their Social Services Personal Budget.
The hourly rate for our Companions vary depending on the individual’s funding agreement – e.g. self funding, NHS or local authority. The cost would be between £19.50 – £25.00 per hour.
If your care needs are high and you require nursing interventions, you may qualify for support with funding your care, whether at home or in a care home.
Our local Care Coordinators can assess you against the current Continuing Healthcare criteria. We will formally represent you in the continuing healthcare assessment, should that take place.
Our contact Mel, works independently in partnership with Age Care Advice as our Continuing Healthcare Assessor. She is a dedicated professional and driven by making sure CHC assessments are completed robustly and fairly. Please contact Mel directly on 07904 480154.
The main part of the care planning process. This is an in depth discussion with you, your carer and/or family.
The Assessment will identify your care needs at that particular time. We may, with your permission, need to talk to other professionals such as your GP or District Nurse to gather further information.
When you feel your needs have changed in the future we complete a reassessment and will adjust your care plan accordingly.
We will keep any information held about you in a safe place in compliance with data protection laws.
There is a one off cost of £395 for the assessment which also includes all the brokering of support afterwards.
Following your assessment and agreed care plan, your local Care Coordinator will research and source local care service options for you. We will look for the best available options for you that provide value for money.
Nothing will go ahead until you agree to using the service provider(s) that we have found and the final decision to use the service will be made by you and your family.
You may have reached a point where you need or would like to consider entering a residential or nursing home. Your local Care Coordinator will identify your care needs by carrying out another assessment. You may want us to discuss this with your family or other representative.
Our local Care Coordinators have many years of experience working alongside care homes and their residents. They will also escort you to view homes if required. It is a life changing decision and we can support you through it.
When you are living in the care home, we will monitor your progress with you and your family if you wish. We can help you address any issues that arise along the way.
You have the option to retain the same local Care Coordinator who can continually monitor your well being on a weekly basis and complete a formal review of your care service every six months. This service is especially useful for the family members who do not live close by and need an independent professional to oversee and monitor the care of their relative.
Being admitted to a hospital can be an unpleasant time for you and your family. As well as being unwell, you cannot guarantee that you will receive a good service. Your local Care Coordinator will visit you in hospital and represent you. They will make sure your needs are met within the hospital environment and address any issues with the medical team. We have hospital social work experience so have frontline insight in to how things should be done.
7 days a week, 12 hours a day we will:
- Liaise with ward staff.
- Attend any discharge planning meetings if arranged.
- Arrange appropriate care services to start on the day of your arrival at home.
- Monitor your well being and the care arranged and avoid readmission.
- Always involve you and your family in decision making.
- Only close your case when you are settled and satisfied.
You will also have the option to retain your local Care Coordinator for the future if you wish.
There is a one off cost of £395 for the assessment which also includes all the brokering of support afterwards.
Many older people can have problems getting to appointments due to a variety of reasons. They also may have difficulty remembering important information given to them by the GP or Consultant due to poor memory or because they feel worried about their future health.
Age Care Advice can attend with you to represent you and clarify points made. They can also help you to ensure that the best medical interventions are available and if you so wish they can feedback any important information to your family.
Our local Care Coordinators are very experienced in completing reviews of care with clients and their families. Reviews are very important because they reveal if the person is satisfied with their care, if the care being provided is good quality and if an increase or decrease in the care is required. Reviews include CHC funding screening.
The review is a meeting with you, any other representative you wish to involve, and the care provider. The review might conclude with several action points which need to be addressed. Your local Care Coordinator will make sure this happens.
If you are pleased with your local Care Coordinator’s work, you do have the option to retain them.
Reviews are also essential for the provider as it enables them to identify areas of poor practice that the home or agency needs to change.
The cost for a review and report is £250.
You may be entitled to claim welfare benefits which may really boost your income. For instance, claiming Attendance Allowance if you need assistance with personal care. Carers can also claim Carers Allowance for looking after you.
Age Care Advice local Care Coordinators have experience of completing the forms, which most people find to be quite a daunting process. The process involves registering your claim with the DWP (Department for Work and pensions) and then:
- Completing the form online or in person
- Assist you to appeal if the application is refused.
Depending on where you live, you may also be able to get the service free from Age UK or the CAB.
Over the past few years, we supported multiple long-term residents out of care homes back to the community. Many residents want to return back home. Our work involves making that happen, if it is possible. If it is not possible, we will evidence why.
This is a UK wide service and the cost of the service is discussed on assessment.

One assessment provided within 48 hours, one dedicated Care Coordinator, one direct phone number, available to you seven days a week, 8am to 8pm for as long as you require. We do not close your case unless you ask us to do so.
What OUR Clients Say